Thursday 11 July 2013

A NEW you in a NEW world

The good old days. All it took my father to get a job with a multinational was for him to get a 1st DEGREE in a higher institution of learning. How good would it be if we still live in that world? A world where a 1st class degree certificate would shoot you straight off the bottom. It took only being GOOD at what you do to stand you out in the workplace environment and MARKET place. What a WORLD!
I am afraid that world has DISAPPEARED. You woke this morning to a new world entirely. A world where even the BEST won't stand out. It takes being able to explore the spaces that exist beyond the LIMITS of the BEST to strike the right notes and impressions. It takes being flexible enough to understand trends and adapt to changing times to achieve any level of success these days. This is 2013 and not 1960! The VIRTUAL is now more powerful than the REAL.

The standards have been raised without your endorsement. What it means to WIN has been redefined by Men and Time. You now have to upgrade your execution, or face the certainty of disappearing with the old world.
The odds are well against you. Your time starts NOW! Go! Beat the odds!
Good morning

(C) 'Dimeji Mudele (CuteMude)
BB: 27AE5829

•All rights reserved

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