Sunday, 7 July 2013

Your JOB is to find ANSWERS

As a thinker and keen observer of the substance of LIFE. One of the things I have found myself doing of late is to question everything around me; family, government, business, money, people and events. Why is everybody looking for money? I guess someone told us as soon as we were born that life is an endless chase for more MONEY. Why must we spend we spent so MUCH to bury a man who spent so little himself when he was alive? In asking my questions from people around me, I found out they were just as confused as I am. They all did what they were doing without even knowing why.

Then I saw a need. A need for ANSWERS. People have questions written all over their faces. I found out that FULFILLMENT is life is in finding specific answers to SERVE the COURSE of HUMANITY.
A couple of year ago, people wondered why a computer has to be so big that it has a monitor, CPU, Keyboard and Mouse in different units. They wondered why they couldn't go around the streets with their computers in their Pockets. Then we had Steve Jobs. He found the ANSWER, and found GREATNESS. Whoever it is who invented Blackberry.. God bless him too.
What answers can you find to move HUMANITY to the next level of things? You owe it to LIFE to contribute to it. Do something! NOW!

(c) 'Dimeji Mudele


All rights reserved.

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